Change the world by being yourself
“When we love and honor ourselves we inspire people around us to do the same, self love is contagious, it affects not only the individual but the community as a whole. And that is the beauty of it.” – Bruno Alcantara
Once in a while we meet somebody that has the perfect life “on the paper”, nothing is really wrong with them but they just seem …
Feel the Beauty
Let’s talk about Beauty. Here and there we see people giving compliments, telling each other how beautiful they are.And I think it is amazing letting people know all the good you see in them. But here is the point: What is your definition of beauty?Are you able to feel the beauty of people as well? To see it and to feel it? We all appreciate a beautiful body, eyes, curves and all … but Beauty goes beyond …
Led by heart
Ah life. We are all so lucky to be alive and to have this lifetime experience. I understand that it can be full of ups …
Feeling alive
Life happens. It’s easy to absorb everything going on, be taken by fear, anger, get into survival mode and disconnect from the joy of life. …
Be free
Some people get so defensive in their interactions, so armed or uncomfortable as a result of seeing “problems”, flaws, weakness in themselves that others may …
Anything is possible!
One day I saw this quote that says: “There is always a way from no way” It stayed with me. Whatever it is that you …